Plant Identification Database:
Leguminosae (Pea)
Mimosoideae [Mimosa]
Order: Fabales; Class: Dicotyledonae

The plant data on this site are a record of Bob Ronnow's field observations
which vary in accuracy and change with experience. For accurate and complete
information please use the links provided for each plant species and family.

Plant Families
Glossary of Botanical Terms

Common Name (Image)
Scientific Name (Notes)
LV: Attachment
LV: Shape
LV: Edge
LV: Apex/Base
LV: Size/Surface
FL: Petals/Sepals
FL: Color
FL: Arrangement
FL: Size/Season
FL: Stamen/Pistil/Ovary
FR: Type
FR: Color
FR: Size/Season
ST: Type/Size/Growth
ST: Surface/Color
ST: Buds/Roots
EC: Edible
EC: Habitat
EC: Observations
Common Name (Image)
Scientific Name (Notes)
Other Names
Leguminosae/Mimosoideae: LV: alternate, u. pinnately compound, u. entire, stipule, pulvinus; FL: 5 petals separate, stamens long, style long arching, ovary superior; FR: u. legume; ST: u. tree/shrub, root nodules; EC:
Alternate, Stipules, pulvinus u. pinnately compound u. entire P: 5 petals, separate White; Yellow; Red; Pink; Blue; Violet; Green; Brown S: many (10 or more); P: style long arching; O: superior u. Legume (simple pistil, 2 sutures) u. tree/shrub Tendrils; Thorn R: nodules Leguminosae/Mimosoideae: LV: alternate, u. pinnately compound, u. entire, stipule, pulvinus; FL: 5 petals separate, stamens long, style long arching, ovary superior; FR: u. legume; ST: u. tree/shrub, root nodules; EC:
White-thorn acacia Acacia constricta Acacia Alternate Pinnate (20-40 leaflets), reflexed upward A: Rounded (leaflets) 2" long x 1" wide Indstingushable Yellow Head-globose, 1/2" Spring; Summer Legume Red, Brown 5" long x 1/4" wide Shrub, up to 10' Spine (white, straight, paired, up to 2" long), Red (new twigs) Desert AZ White-thorn acacia Acacia constricta
Catclaw acacia Acacia greggii Acacia Deciduous Pinnate Entire up to 3" long Irregular Pale Yellow, White Cylindrical spike spike up to 2 1/2" long, Spring (Apr-May) Legume twisted 6" long x 1/2" wide Tree, Shrub, up to 23', up to 8" diameter Thorn recurved, 1/4" (1/node) Fruit cooked Desert AZ Catclaw acacia Acacia greggii
Fairy duster, false mesquite, mesquitillo Calliandra eriophylla Calliandra Alternate Pinnate Dissected <1" 5 parts, Plumose Red/Pink/Orange >petals Legume Shrub, >1' Desert AZ Fairy duster, false mesquite, mesquitillo Calliandra eriophylla
Wait-a-minute bush Mimosa biuncifera Mimosa Pinnate Spiny-toothed White <1", Spring; Summer Shrub, >1' Thorn curved (2/node) AZ Wait-a-minute bush Mimosa biuncifera
Honey mesquite Prosopis glandulosa Prosopis Opposite, Petiole Pinnate, Oblong Entire Glabrous Irregular White Spike <1" Legume Green Summer Tree, >6' Thorn straight Fruit raw Desert AZ Honey mesquite Prosopis glandulosa
Screwbean mesquite Prosopis pubescens Prosopis Opposite, Petiole Pinnate, Oblong White Spike <1", Spring Legume coiled Tree, >6' Thorn straight Riparian AZ Screwbean mesquite Prosopis pubescens
Velvet mesquite Prosopis velutina Prosopis Opposite, Petiole Pinnate, Oblong Entire Pubescent White Spike <1", Spring Legume Tree Fruit raw Desert AZ Velvet mesquite Prosopis velutina
Common Name (Image)
Scientific Name (Notes)
LV: Attachment
LV: Shape
LV: Edge
LV: Apex/Base
LV: Size/Surface
FL: Petals/Sepals
FL: Color
FL: Arrangement
FL: Size/Season
FL: Stamen/Pistil/Ovary
FR: Type
FR: Color
FR: Size/Season
ST: Type/Size/Growth
ST: Surface/Color
ST: Buds/Roots
EC: Edible
EC: Habitat
EC: Observations
Common Name (Image)
Scientific Name (Notes)
Other Names