Bella Akhmadulina |
(1937-2010; Russian)
Winter [trans. Barbara Einzig] |
61:409 |
Anna Akhmatova |
(1889-1966; Russian)
Alone [trans. Stephen Berg] |
61:385 |
Lot's Wife [trans. Richard Wilbur] |
55:88; 61:373 |
Requiem [trans. Stanley Kunitz & Max Hayward] |
7:101; 62:41
Rafael Alberti |
(1902-1999; Spanish)
Blue [trans. Mark Strand] |
44:559 |
Guillaume Apollinaire |
(1880-1918; French)
Flies [trans. Robert Bly] |
73:32 |
The Little Car [trans. Oliver Bernard] |
7:68; 62:18 |
Raffaello Baldini |
(1924-2005; Italian)
Hygiene [trans. Adria Bernardi] |
Poetr:Dec07 |
Gottfried Benn |
(1886-1956; German)
Chopin [trans. Michael Hofmann] |
62:31 |
Olga Berggolts |
(1910-1975; Russian)
Infidelity [trans. Daniel Weissbort] |
61:400 |
Cecil Bodker |
(1927-2020; Danish)
Calendar [trans. Nadia Christensen & Alexander Taylor] |
61:366 |
Edith Bruck |
(b. 1932; Italian)
Birth [trans. Ruth Feldman & Brian Swann] |
61:311 |
Equality, Father [trans. Ruth Feldman] |
7:389 |
Chu Shu-chen |
(c. 1200; Chinese)
Morning [trans. Kenneth Rexroth] |
6:216; 61:173 |
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz |
(1648-1695; Spanish)
But Venus first [from First Dream; trans. Samuel Beckett] |
61:267 |
Bernard Dadie |
(1916-2019; French)
I Thank You God [trans. John O. Reed & Clive Wake] |
62:218 |
Dante Alighieri |
(1265-1321; Italian)
The good master said: Now, my son, we approach the city
known as Dis [The Inferno, Canto VIII, 67-130 & Canto IX, 1-105;
trans. Robert Hollander & Jean Hollander] |
Dant2: 153 |
Master, I said, tell me more: this Fortune [The Inferno, Canto VII,
67-96; trans. Robert Hollander & Jean Hollander] |
Dant2: 135 |
Inferno, Canto III; trans. Armand Schwerner] |
Dant1: 10; 14:411 |
Mahmoud Darwish |
(1941-2008; Arabic)
In Jerusalem [trans. Fady Joudah] |
70:245 |
Eustache Deschamps |
(1346-1410; French)
Ballade 1 [trans. David Curzon & Jeffrey Fiskin] |
14:381 |
Robert Desnos |
(1900-1945; French)
Mid-Way [trans. William Kulik & Carole Frankel] |
50:96 |
Denise Duhamel |
(b. 1961)
Yes |
41:115 |
Enheduanna |
(c. 2300 B.C.; Sumerian)
Inanna and the City of Uruk [adapted by Aliki Barnstone & Willis
Barnstone from trans. by William W. Hallo & J.J.A. van Dijk] |
61:4 |
Jorge Guillen |
(1893-1984; Spanish)
The Horses [trans. Richard Wilbur] |
44:527 |
Anna Hajnal |
(1907-1977; Hungarian)
Fear [trans. Daniel Hoffman] |
61:356 |
Moishe Leib Halpern |
(1886-1932; Yiddish)
Man, That Ape [trans. John Hollander] |
62:33 |
H.D. (Hilda Doolittle) |
Lethe |
84:35 |
Heinrich Heine |
(1797-1856; German)
Sea-Sickness [trans. Vernon Watkins] |
14:794 |
Llywarch Hen |
(c. 850; Welsh)
The Head of Urien [a modern version of a Medieval poem by 'Wesli Court'
aka Lewis Turco] |
56:250 |
Miroslav Holub |
(1923-1998; Czech)
Bullfight [trans. Ian Milner & Jarmila Milner] |
68:90 |
The fly [trans. George Theiner] |
25:346; 68:159 |
Homer |
(c. 850 B.C.; Greek)
Alas! what weight of anguish hast thou known? [The Iliad, XXIV:
653-839, trans. Alexander Pope] |
Homr:1120 |
And now to Xanthus' gliding stream they drove [The Iliad, XXI: 1-150
& 229-447, trans. Alexander Pope] |
Homr:972 |
As when the winds, ascending by degrees [The Iliad, IV: 478-542, trans.
Alexander Pope] |
Homr:188 |
Automedon and Alcimus prepare [The Iliad, XIX: 426-471, trans.
Alexander Pope] |
Homr:923 |
Health to Achilles! happy are thy guests! [The Iliad, IX: 295-413, trans.
Alexander Pope] |
Homr:435 |
Meanwhile awaken'd from his dream of Love [The Iliad, XV: 6-91,
trans. Alexander Pope] |
Homr:704 |
Sweet pleasing Sleep! (Saturnia thus began) [The Iliad, XIV: 266-416,
trans. Alexander Pope] |
Homr:667 |
There sate the seniors of the Trojan race [The Iliad, III: 191-314, trans.
Alexander Pope] |
Homr:141 |
Why comes Aeneas thro' the ranks so far? [The Iliad, XX: 214-307, trans.
Alexander Pope] |
Homr:943 |
Horace |
(65-8 B.C.; Latin)
Priapus [Satire 1.8; trans. David Ferry] |
Poetr:Apr07 |
Susan Howe |
(b. 1937)
The Falls Fight [from Articulation of Sound Forms in Time] |
23:238 |
T. Rowland Hughes |
(1903-1949; Welsh)
Crib Goch [trans. Catherine Fisher] |
86:116 |
Victor Hugo |
(1802-1885; French)
Expiation [Part 1; trans. Louis Simpson] |
14:747 |
Meirion MacIntyre Huws |
(b. 1963; Welsh)
Conscience [trans. Geraint Lovgreen] |
86:386 |
A. Van Jordan |
(b. 1965)
Rope |
85:818 |
Attila Jozsef |
(1905-1937; Hungarian)
The Seventh [trans. John Batki] |
24:270; 62:158; 68:377 |
Kakkaipirtiniyar Naccellaiyar |
(c. 50-300; Tamil)
Many Said [from the Classical Tamil Anthologies; trans. George L. Hart III] |
14:193 |
Orhan Veli Kanik |
(1914-1950; Turkish)
Rumors [trans. Murat Nemet-Nejat] |
62:202 |
Ussin Kerim |
(1929-1984; Bulgarian)
Babahak [trans. William Matthews] |
Matt:162 |
Hester Knibbe |
(b. 1946; Dutch)
Last Night [trans. Jacquelyn Pope] |
Poetr:Apr09 |
Valery Larbaud |
(1881-1957; French)
Images [trans. William Jay Smith] |
6:77 |
Gwyneth Lewis |
(b. 1959; Welsh)
Strip-Tease [trans. Joseph P. Clancy] |
86:369 |
Li Kuang-t’ien |
(1906-1968; Chinese)
A Dead Turk [trans. Kai-yu Hsu] |
14:1109 |
| |